Desserts & Puddings
Written by Crunch Man
Tuesday, 18 November 2008 09:50 |
Ingredients & QuantitiesShortcrust Pastry: - 180g of Flour
- 40g of Margarine
- 40g of Lard
- 30ml of Water
Filling: - 110g of Syrup
- 80g of Cornflakes
- 110g of Red Jam (strawberry or raspberry)
- 40g of Margarine
- 30g of Sugar
Method- Line the tart trays with the shortcrust pastry and crimp the edges.
- Prick the pastry and bake the cases blind, for approximately 20 minutes at 400F/200C.
- Melt the margarine, sugar and syrup in a double saucepan, then stir in the cornflakes.
- Spread a thin layer of jam over the pastry cases and place the cornflake mixture on top.
- Return the tarts to the oven for 5 minutes to allow the mixture to set.
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 13 January 2009 20:04 )