School Dinners Print
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Real School Dinners
Written by admin   
Friday, 10 February 2012 22:34

School DinnersSchool dinners. Fond memories for some, recurring nightmares for others! It most likely depends on when you were at school and which school you attended. 

We think the best school dinners hark back to the primary schools of the 70s and 80s. These two decades probably brought out the tastiest, lardiest, cheapest, most processed school dinners of all time - barring the not so edible guff of the last ten years or so. 

Our aim is to gather together as many of these classic school dinners as possible, all under one roof, to make us the most complete source of school dinner recipes aviailable.

We have access to top secret (well, not really secret) typed and hand wriiten recipes on paper and parchment which, when we have the time, we'll keep on adding to the site. These pearls of school dinner wisdom will then be available to you to try your hand at. Of course, we'd also love to hear about any school dinners that you may have recipes for or variations of, so please drop us an email, add your own recipe, or post it up to our forum.

School dinners evoke some of the oldest and most vivid memories in us. I'm sure all have you can picture, quite clearly, some of your favourite and also most hated school dinners, like they were sitting on a tiny cracked plate in front of you right now. I'm also quite sure that some of the tastes and flavours of these school dinners may be a tad distorted or embellished in that mind of yours. Our taste palates were somewhat immature in those halcyon days so that 'perfect' pudding, stonking soup, or 'way-cool' custard, might not be quite what you had in mind if you were to make it today!

But, that's the point, and the fun of it all. Having all these school dinner recipes at your disposal means you can give some of these half-forgotten school dinners a go. The ingredients are generally at the low end of cheap and quantities can be scaled pretty simply. In fact, there's no excuse really. Get cooking!

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School Dinners
Friday, 10 February 2012

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