School Dinner Rules Too Strict Print
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Real School Dinners
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 25 March 2009 08:32

Nutritional DinnersLooks like the Government and Jamie Oliver have pushed things too far. New guidelines on school dinner ingredients are just too restrictive according to the Local Authority Caterers Association. It seems that due to the new nutritional content restrictions, school dinner menus will now take too long to conceive and will also be limited as to what will be made available to pupils.

The LACA said 80% of its members believed the new guidelines would lead to a decrease in take-up of school meals in England, but the School Food Trust argues that a balanced menu is still achievable.

The new nutritional guidelines will be introduced in England's schools from September, one year after they took effect in primary schools throughout the country. They will involve 14 nutrient-based standards. As an example, the average secondary school lunch must contain no less than 7.5g protein and 5.2mg iron!

So, it seems that more meddling from our nannying government will backfire on them with less children eating the healthier school dinners in favour of more choice at the local fast food emporium.

We say the answer is simple - get back to using the old school dinner recipes of the 70s and 80s! And if they want to know where to find the recipes, as the schools' were probably destroyed in some frenzied book burning ceremony, then look no further than here. School Recipes - a vote for common sense!



Tags: school dinner  primaries  nutrition  jamie oliver  government  fast food  

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School Dinner Rules Too Strict
Wednesday, 25 March 2009

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